Virtual reality is slowly becoming an innovation and something possible within our lifetime. For example, Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years ('s_law). Due to this, processing speeds and memory capacities of computers will increase at a very fast rate. This could be utilized in order to make virtual reality a user-friendly device possible and in reasonable time, with these advances in technology.
Already there are many versions of virtual reality, usually involving a television screen. The Microsoft Kinect is considered virtual reality. No controller is required and it takes your body position and movement and integrates it within the game. It is similar to the Wii controller, where it uses the controller’s movements to control certain aspects of the game, as previously stated in my last blog. But, the Kinect is very unique in which it doesn’t require a controller because the software is able to recognize your body movements. There is a large sensor that is supposed to sit in front of you, usually right above or below your TV. This sensor is able to detect the shapes of certain body parts, such as the arms, legs, chest, etc and uses these cues to create a brand new gaming and interactive environment.
Last week in my IST 195 class we learned about privacy, social media, and Microsoft excel. This is relevant to my entrepreneurship because if I were to place my ideas onto my Facebook page or twitter, these ideas could easily be accessed if not protected correctly. In today’s society and the easy access of information due to the Internet, people should really learn how to change their privacy settings on their social accounts. In addition to this, one’s Facebook contains a large amount of personal information. If this is not secured correctly, it is set out for anyone to access and see. Protect your information!
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